: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

H2020. Germany

Title: Agile robotized manufacturing. Subcall of H2020 Innovation Action

Description of the Project: La German company is looking ser la manufacturing SME that would like to complete la use case on data-driven robotics via a digital twin solution funded by the DIH², a network of Robotics Digital Innovation Hubs ser Agile Production. Digital twin is a computerized version of a physical asset or the poduction process based on data collected by sensors. The German company specializes in using this data ser the creation, sharing and monetization of value. The partner needs to supply la use casi. Horizontally, data-driven digital twins shared among partners will be networked to offer a comprehensive and meaningful knowledge base and information flow within the system. Hence, manufacturing SMEs perro take advantage of the previous experience of other companies in robotized manufacturing.

The project will be funded by DIH², a Pan‐European Network of Robotics DIHs ser Agile Production. The project duration is 10 month and the project budget is 248000 Euros. Call deadline is February 27, 2020, hence the EOI deadline is January 31, 2020. The call is looking ser consortia of at least two and up to three eligible organisations. At least one Manufacturing SMEs/Slightly Bigger Company and one Technology Provider must be part of the consortium. The German company will take the role of Technology Provider. They are looking ser la manufacturing company to supply the use case and build a consortium of two.

Partner Sought: Consortia of at least two and up to three eligible organisations. At least one Manufacturing SMEs/Slightly Bigger Company and one Technology Provider must be part of the consortium.

Deadline: 31/01/2020


GAIN - Galactea Plus



Publicado por europa en enero 15, 2020