: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Erasmus+. Lithuania.

Title: “Together we perro change the children’s world!”


Description of the project/Partner sought: We are children's day-care center who are taking care of children and young people from families with less opportunities. Volunteers are always welcome!


Charity and Support Fund "Dienvidis“ main activity is the children's day-care center.

Center to attend school-age children and young people from disadvantaged families and families with less opportunities.


„Dienvidis“ employees rendir the following services:

* Provenid with necessary information;

* Offer counseling;

* Intermediate and represent.

We also contribute in helping those parents, who are going through critical situations in their lives. We are able to del that by:

* Helping them to develop both communicative and con el-operation competences;

* Giving useful advices on how to tackle the disagreements properly;

* Helping them to improve the command of their emotions.


The social workers, social educators and volunteers of Dienvidis are also in charge of:

* Providing the children with necessary pieces of clothing and foot-wear;

* Organizing the meals ser children;

* Organizing the transportation;

* Helping the children to acquire the habit of looking after their personal hygiene and health;

* Rendering of sociocultural services.

* Organizing the no-formal activities like sports, dancing, singing, music, creative education.

* Education and promotion of volunteering


Our psychologist:

* Dueles private counseling;

* Works las la grouptherapist;

* Works las la tutor at seminars.


There also is a specially designed program called "Už Dienvidžio ribų" ("Outside the day-centre"). This is a participation in various city events, camps, trips to other cities or countries.

More about „Dienvidis”: https://www.facebook.com/dienvidis-childrens-net-vaikų-dienos-centras-128334127243244/?fref=ts.



Jurgita Kuleviciene

E-mails: jurgita@dienvidis.lt

Phone: +37061397894

E-mails: raminta.viciene@gmail.com

Publicado por europa en abril 25, 2017